America's Voice of reason is now on BlogTalkRadio.com Sundays at 11pm. Don't miss this exciting talk and great informational radio show..
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Checkout the show featuring The BookZzone’s new book (Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! 2012 edition) and now you can order on this site. Watch out for their next upcoming book “Magnum Destroyer” to be featured on next month’s updates for 2013.

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Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! New Edition Book brought to you by The BookZone $19.95 S/H

The Digital DAVE show fea. Stone
Radio DJ former Shock Jocks from the late 90’s back on the air trying it once again – Radio host Digital Dave D. and his sidekick partner Stone from the former Stone and Taz show coming out of Delaware, have joined forces once again to bring laughter back to the radio waves. To get back out there they have a small market show in Delaware and are now expanding to the web. Sit back and enjoy some funny and sometimes informative banter. Digital Dave **AMERICA'S VOICE of REASON**
Downsized Dad's Cookbook
Available August 2014
Look to order here

Not Available! This item will be available Late August 2014
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